Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mount Fuji Essay Example For Students

Mount Fuji Essay At present there are 14 World Heritage destinations situated in Japan. Obviously, 11 are social properties and 3 are national properties. In the event that you were a delegate of Japan, what might you name as the following World Heritage site and why? Mount Fuji or, â€Å"Fuji-san† is Japan’s most noteworthy highest point ascending to 3,776 meters above ocean level. Despite the fact that it has just been precluded the title from securing turning into a World Heritage site once previously, there is as yet solid help from the Japanese populace that it ought to be considered accordingly. Other than having the option to meet a few of the measures for determination, the manner by which Fuji keeps on drawing in national and universal consideration is central to its appropriateness in turning into a World Heritage site. Fuji’s sway on Japan’s imaginative legacy has been significant, moving incalculable artists and craftsmen, even the world over. The most seasoned work delineating the mountain dates as far back as the eleventh century and it is clear how Mt Fuji is attached to its nation and to its kin. Fuji shows up frequently in a scope of various fine arts because of its fairly huge notoriety as being broadly appreciated and once in a while respected just like an epitome of excellence itself. A case of acclaimed craftsmanship highlighting Fuji is Kanagawa-oki Nami-ura (â€Å"Fuji Behind the Waves Off Kanagawa†) by Katsushika Hokusai and it is the most popular of Hokusai’s effectively prestigious â€Å"Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji† ukiyo-e prints. How Fuji is persistently being made subject for painters and photographic artists the same make it obvious that it despite everything holds its place as one of the most beautiful and striking perspectives that can be knowledgeable about Japan. Just as being a very much perceived portrayal of Japanese culture, Fuji-san isn't just considered as an astonishing characteristic scene yet additionally as an otherworldly site. It has, on many occasions, been alluded to as a â€Å"sacred mountain†. To supporters of the Shinto religion (one of the most exceptionally prevailing religions in Japan), Mt. Fuji is the epitome of the very soul of nature and it is likewise the site of the sanctuary for Sengen-sama who is a Shinto goddess. It was convictions, for example, these which drove an ever increasing number of individuals to ascend it in medieval occasions and today, more than 300 000 individuals advance up the mountain consistently, overcoming the (approx. ) 8 hour trek. However, because of numerous indiscreet climbers, waste is regularly thronw everywhere throughout the mountain, putting a scar on Fuji’s frequently grand appearance. Around 33% of the individuals who climb Mount Fuji are remote voyagers hoping to share a once in a blue moon involvement in the excited Japanese nationals. The mountain is home to any Shinto sanctums, Buddhist sanctuaries and torii entryways denoting the passage to sacrosanct Shinto zones near the culmination holding Sengen-sama’s place of worship. Mt Fuji is one of the most mainstream vacation destinations in Japan and its noteworthiness has not dwindled throughout the years. Fuji is a functioning stratovolcano that keep going ejected quite a while in the past in 17 07 and isn't relied upon to emit at any point in the near future. Geologists expect that it was made 600 000 years prior. It is regularly considered â€Å"attractive† due its practically even air and its â€Å"perfect† tapered shape and it is this reality that for the most part makes it satisfying to the eye. It is encased by lakes and thick woodlands that encompass its base which makes it a territory for various measures of natural life and makes it wealthy in vegetation. There are likewise cultivates based close to the foot of Mt Fuji which by and by makes it genuinely significant in delivering products for the overall population to profit by. Besides, inside the urban areas encompassing Fuji, are sanctums which are assigned social properties which hold heritages of the Edo time frame (1600-1868) which safeguard the structural and mechanical advances of this timeframe. .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b , .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .postImageUrl , .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b , .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:hover , .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:visited , .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:active { border:0!important; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:active , .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:hover { murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-design: underline; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-improvement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f4150051 0e04b .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u9c4c254b6f296db6e17f41500510e04b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Cold war: overcoming any issues to harmony EssayTourist spots around this zone are rich and there are numerous sights to be seen and appreciated by outsiders and Japanese locals the same. What's more, on Fuji’s lower districts, there are numerous other conspicuous social properties, locales, scenes, and regular landmarks that spread a scope of enhancing esteems that it encapsulates, so its righteousness as a critical social scene is faithful. The seventh on the rundown of rules for determination to turn into a World Heritage site is, â€Å"to contain standout common wonders or regions of uncommon normal excellence and tasteful import ance†. Fuji as of now has just demonstrated deserving of the words â€Å"exceptional regular beauty†, since it is obvious that it has been utilized on many occasions to represent magnificence and it’s stylish significance is evident as it gives the setting to every day life in a considerable lot of its encompassing urban areas and has applied its impact over numerous controls of Japanese culture and by formally making Mount Fuji a Natural World Heritage site, it would profit both the world everywhere and particularly Japan itself as the consideration and the travel industry picked up would be advantageous for the economy and the unadulterated actuality that it would be an immense respect that would allow Japan to share a colossal piece of their way of life and to acquire acknowledgment than they as of now have on a worldwide scale. Some have even considered it the â€Å"uncontested number one milestone of Japan†. The eighth n the rundown for choice is, â€Å"to be exce ptional models speaking to significant phases of earths history, including the record of life, critical on-going geographical procedures in the advancement of landforms, or noteworthy geomorphic or physiographic features†. It is unquestionable that throughout the years, Fuji has been halfway answerable for the adjusting of scenes because of its reputation of more than sixteen emissions, running from moderate to enormous in size. This mountain is clearly a site that will be protected and withstand the trial of time. Mount Fuji is a demonstration of numerous parts of Japanese life, including the profound and social and its quality has given a portion of the establishments to their way of life and convictions, while likewise being Japan’s most key topographical component. To finish up, the reasons and proof given above ought to be the central matters thought about while recognizing the importance of Mount Fuji according to Japan. It has and will keep on holding power in the hearts of the Japanese and will consistently be a significant piece of their everyday presence. There is no uncertainty that its pertinence to Japanese society is out and out astonishing as its commitments to the otherworldliness and culture of the nation is certainly obvious and to make Fuji a World Heritage site, is broaden these commitments farther into the world. It is uncommon to see a mountain with such profound associations with its kin.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Manager's leading role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Supervisor's driving job - Essay Example Thee thus encompa more pecific dutie which will be dicued later. Supervisor Cae-tudy:Buine Name - Playtec Pty LtdName - Matthew tewartAge - 29Phone No - *******Poition Held - General ManagerBuine ize - shopping center (around 20-employee)Buine Decription - Playtec Pty Ltd I a maker of indoor oftplay equiptment, ditributed across the nation and occaionally overea. An a General Manager of a shopping center buine, Matthew' the board job conit of associated calculate composed an organied 'ytem' to permit effective allotment of reource through very much arranged adminitration, praising D.A Holt meaning of characterizing hierarchical target and afterward articulating trategie, strategy and target that are neceary to accomplish thee objective. (Holt,- 1987,- p.793). Thee are separated into the three principle egment of reponibility, all things considered known a the Mintzberg' Management job. Under Interperonal the executives job, Matthew I een an a 'nonentity' in playtec, ometime being alluded to a the heart'n'oul of the organization. In spite of the fact that not the buine proprietor, the job of a pioneer I one he ha aumed, assuming the reponibility of arranging and giving future development under one' 'umbrella' of reponibility for activity and worker. Taking a lot of reponibility for buine work, a well a the peronal prosperity of it' representative, Matthew ucceed in the completing it some portion of the administration proce. Supervisor do thi by inspiring individuals to accomplih the tak through instructing and praie. They alo make key deciion that empower tak to be finished (Robbin, Coulter, 2003 pg256). Taking peronal reponibility for buine capacity and activity, however of the peronal prosperity and of it' representative, ha permitted Matthew to exploit the maller buine tructure to interface with greetings subordinate on a peronal level, rousing them through friendhip and steadfastness, not just getting worker to work a poitive way toward the buinee-objective, yet permitting engaged gathering a full reponibility to build up a task plan and do the tak inside the arrangement inside contraint from the enior gathering. Thee contraint can just incorporate iue uch a spending plan, ize, weight and so forth. (Dale, E., 1978)A a liaion, Matthew exceed expectations, addreing the whole working environment a well a representative separately on issue both identifying with work environment execution, assessment and peronal matter. He alo liaie productively between the upper-level, or organiation-level of the buine, to the manufacturing plant floor many time a day to enure buine objective meet at each level, a well a co-organizing (with the buine proprietor) the companie system of upplier. He I mindful and controlling of the best possible and proficient strategy for assembling, and frequently assume the job of preparing new peronnel, enuring quality-control of the last item and upkeep of the current 'buine-model'. Thi alo forestall representative taking artitic-libertie by compromising and changing et work on, following the cientific-the executives model

Friday, August 21, 2020

USCs Hashtag Question TKG

USC’s Hashtag Question Two things: Dear USC, Can you please explain how exactly this question helps you evaluate a student’s candidacy for your school? We understand wanting to be relevant and hip(!). But we really think this does neither. Hashtags aren’t a new thing. In 2013, Tufts asked applicants what #yolo means to them. The hashtag question is kind of like that, but worse. It’s very 2011. We’re writing to you because we’re frustrated. We’ve spent countless hours thinking about this question, answering emails about this question, and quelling the fears of students trying to come up with a witty, effective, and thought-provoking answer. Even the best answers to this question still aren’t that good. If you want to be “hip,” you’re better off asking kids what they captioned their latest Instagram post or about their favorite Snapchat filter. And that would be so weird. As far as we can tell, this question tells you absolutely nothing about the student being evaluated. We’ve had numer ous kids email us about this question. Today. This the the question we get the most emails about. For the most part, they say that they have never once thought about something like this and are just plain confused, for good reason. If you’re reading this, please email us and let us know what you’re looking for. We’d all love to know.  Dear students, Don’t spend too much time on this question. And please don’t email us about it. There’s no way that this question is make or break for your application. Brainstorm for a bit, give it your best shot (we suggest going with something funny), then focus on the rest of the supplement. But please don’t email us about this question. Contact us here if you’re looking for help with your supplements.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Journey Into the Wild - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1343 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Into The Wild Essay Did you like this example? In the book Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer provides the story of Christopher Johnson McCandless and his journey to Alaska. In this book Krakauer tells us how McCandlesses decisions led to his amazing adventures, why he did these travels, and where it got him in the end. Although Chris J. McCandless appeared angry, depressed, crazy and narcissistic he was just a young man trying to find his peace and what made him happiest. Chris McCandless was just a man who was trying to get emancipated from all social norms to find what made him happiest. As a kid Chris was very active and loved being outdoors. Him wanting to be outdoors all the time as a kid would no doubt not be a surprising reason for him to want to Peregrinate and travel to Alaska alone. Though he met many people along the way and was offered many different supplies from these people as well, he decided he needed to do this on his own in order to have a clean slate for him to work with to find what he is most passionate about to make him happy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Journey Into the Wild" essay for you Create order Chris seemed to be a very dedicated person to his travels and work as well, though at times he could be stubborn, it could sometimes almost be in a positive and motivational way. As stated by Krakauer, Once Alex made up his mind about something, there was no changing it (Krakauer 67). Though his decision to go to Alaska seemed anomaly, he was very strong minded when it came to making a decision about his travels. Chris was very confident in himself and his survival in Alaska. When Chris left to begin his adventure he wanted to derelict his whole life behind so he can get a fresh start, he had given $25,000 in savings to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet, and invented a new life for himself (Krakauer Cover). This may seem fatuous to many but to chris this is something he wanted to do so he could emancipate from all social norms, he also ended up changing his name to Alex. This was only the beginning of his newly invented life, he was at rubicon. He did this so he could not be contacted or tracked by anyone. Perambulating through many different types of societies, he got to experience different ways of life as well as how differently people acted all around the country. Some were more laid back than others, im sure some were more religious than others. Experiencing these different types of social norms provided him with an idea of how different societies act in different parts of the world. Although Alex left his family and old life behind he created a new life by making new friends, potential family and basically a whole new life. On the way to Alaska a man who he met while hitchhiking Ronald Franz, was probably the closest person to him during this adventure. Ronald Franz wanted to adopt Chris as his grandson, which pretty much sums up how close they got. Ronald Franz stated so i asked Alex if i could adopt him, if he would be my grandson (Krakauer 55). Ronald seemed to be the most helpful person to Chris but he didnt want to accept any help from anyone no matter how close or helpful they seemed to be. Perhaps many people did think he was an insane man looking for a death wish or was malevolent, and he knew he wasnt going to make it out alive. Many people said that he was an insane man because he dropped everything he had going for him and left it all behind. In the TedTalk his sister talked about how Chris graduated college with honors. Many people would say, why would he leave that behind when he couldve used that to become something big like a doctor or even a lawyer. A lot of people would ask why he left his family behind he grew up in a great loving home. But little did they know he was actually emotionally and physically abused growing up, his father showed no clemency. His sister also said that they grew up in a home of, domestic violence, lies, and manipulation, they grew up going to sunday school that their parents taught, then being taught at home that their father was god. Growing up in this kind of family they knew they had to protect each other so Chris was her protector, she grew up knowing he would protect her if anything happened. But when Chris left to Alaska that all changed because throughout his journey they began to lose contact with each other. Those who knew this was going on believed that he was depressed and this might be a reason he left everything behind but no one noticed anything was wrong. He never showed symptoms such as, Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness (Mayo Clinic Staff). They said he seemed happy and that nothing was wrong but often times people miss the symptoms of being depressed. For example people experience, Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches (Mayo Clinic Staff), which he may have felt but never complained about it because he thought he was sore or dehydrated. He also couldve been experiencing Sleep disturbances, including insomnia (mayo clinic staff) which people arent going to notice. In the end of his journey to Alaska he did not survive long enough to make it home, which is one of the reasons people thought he was looking for a death wish or was just idiotic in general for making the decision to go to Alaska. Many people aid that, McCandless ended up dead with the story of his dumbassedness splashed across the media (Krakauer 71). After his death and his body was discovered, this made to be one of the top stories on the news that people were talking about. Though Chris McCandless did not survive and had no repertoire in this adventure, he did discover what truly made him happy before his death. Moments before his death he recorded one of his last journal entry which McCandless stated, HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED (Krakauer 189). McCandless discovered that he really couldnt be happy unless he had someone to share his happiness with. McCandless also wanted it to be known his life was good and well spent. He wrote in his journal, I HAVE HAD A HAPPY LIFE AND THANK THE LORD. GOODBYE AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL! (Krakauer 199). Though many people thought he was insane and didnt know what he was doing or knew what he wanted to do, he lived a good, happy life as he said in his journal entry in his last goodbye to everyone and anyone who was there for him or heard about him. McCandless found what made him happy and he found his true peace in the end. McCandless survived 112 days after hed walked into the wild (Krakauer 199), which may not seem like a long time but that is almost half a year. He survived a half a year with minimal supplies, and no contact with anyone whatsoever. In his last moments alive he was smiling in a picture that he took of himself and there is no mistaking the look in his eyes: Chris McCandless was at peace, serene as a monk gone to God (Krakauer 199). Chris McCandless was finally at ease, Chris McCandless was full of gratitude and pride. Chris McCandless discoverer his happiness and died taking that happiness with him. Chris had his story, and now its being told letting people know that HAPPINESS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED (Krakauer 189). Chris was only doing what felt right for himself to do, in order to find himself and set himself free from social norms and live his life to the fullest it could be, so he could find his own happiness and peace. There was no crazy, no depression, no deathwish, just a man discovering his true happiness.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner And The Yellowpaper...

Throughout the history of society, specifically during the years prior to the era of feminism, people have place women as the weaker gender. In literature , there have been many instances where women have been outshined and neglected by men because their works or contribution s are deemed to be inferior and noncompliant in the eyes of men. Men are seen as â€Å"autocratic ruler† of a household and thus they feel it’s their responsibility to constantly overlook and protect women due to their inferiority that society has placed on them, as a result, men feel superior to women. Nevertheless, men are not mindful of the effects and outcomes of their patriarchal domination on women: depression, losing touch of reality, isolation, and worst of all, losing their sanity. An example in literature that displays this type of structure of society where women can become victims of patriarchal conditions takes place in the short stories â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faul kner and â€Å"The Yellowpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Both women, the main character Emily Grierson from Faulkner’s story and the narrator from Gilman’s story, though they have different circumstances, are similar in a unique way as they are both held back by the male figures in their households within the patriarchal society, and as a result, they lose touch within each of their societies and are forced to insanity. Feminists have described patriarchy as a system of oppression to women. Second-wave feminists, who

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Information Security in the Healthcare Industry - 1562 Words

Information Security in the Healthcare Industry The rapid changes in technology over the past few decades has left the healthcare industry ill-prepared to operate in today’s environment. Most substantial protections of sensitive consumer information has come as a result of federal regulation, most notably in 1996 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Protection of information in the healthcare industry has lagged behind all other industries, perhaps because the records aren’t financial in nature or sensitive government information. Implementing simple steps for many organizations may be enough to limit the vast majority of breaches, although a layered, comprehensive security approach should be the ultimate goal for companies. Security Awareness Health Care security in the United States has been part of the national culture for over a century, but many companies have struggled with the transition to electronic records. In the early 1900s, many hospitals hired a security guard to look over their facilities. Their primary role was to safeguard the hospital from fire. At that point many of the police patrols were done on foot and most cities had their officers incorporate hospitals into their daily rounds. In the 1950s there was a culture shift and security coverage of hospitals became less of a community responsibility. Off-duty policemen were increasingly hired for additionalShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Improving Cyber Security Essay860 Words   |  4 PagesImproving Cyber security in Healthcare Introduction: As the healthcare industry is acquiring more technologies into its business, the need for securing the data has become challenging. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

And Then There Were None Chapt. 13 On Essay Example For Students

And Then There Were None Chapt. 13 On Essay By chapter 13 of And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie, half of the ten guests that ventured out to Indian Island are killed. These incidents cause the remaining guests to react in bizarre ways. These reactions are common to most people that are placed in this situation. They protect themselves and react differently around each other. There are also accusations that are made about who may have done the killing of the first five guests, and there are alliances that are made to help find out who the murdered really is. Out of ten guests plus the boat handler, who brought them over to the island, one of them is the murderer. Who is it, and what do the guests do to find out who he or she is? First of all some of the precautions that the guests take is to lock and place furniture in front of all there doors. There were sounds of bolts and locks, and of moving furniture. pg 155 After the death of Miss Brent, Justice Wargrave advised that all items that may cause danger be place in a safely locked place and that the keys be given to two people so that the stuff will be safe. By the judges direction, the various drugs were placed in the box and it was locked. The judge then gave the key of the chest to Philip Lombard and the key of the cupboard to Blore. pg 141 The final way that the guests protected themselves was to keep close together as much as possible. By all means. But in doing so let us be careful to keep together, if we separate, the murderer gets his chance. pg 142 I think, my dear young lady, we would all prefer to come and watch you make it. pg 146 The next thing that happened to the guests was the way they started to act around each other. One of the first act was to become testy and aggressive with each other. Each person, with there nerves running on high octane, all reacted in the same manner. They hated each other. You damned pig-headed fool! I tell you its been stolen from me! pg 141 He said stiffly, just as you please Miss Brent. pg 134 Lombard threw his head back. His teeth showed in what was almost a snarl. pg 139 The next reaction after testiness was inquisitiveness. The guests all had there worries, so they started to asks questions and started to become suspicious. Four pairs of eyes fastened on him. He braced himself against the deep hostile suspicion of those eyes. pg 138 Thats all very well , but whos to have the key? You, I suppose? pg 140 Some of the remaining guests even started to become untrusting to one another. There was an unpleasant tone in his voice, the two men eyed each other. pg 153 I didnt put anything in it. Thats what you are getting at, I suppose. pg  149 Another reaction that occurs naturally in this situation is the tendency to accuse people before they can be proven innocent. Each remaining guest has a different suspicion of who the killer is. William Blore had many suspicions on who did it. One of his suspicions was that Miss Brent did it. We neednt look farther for the author of these deaths than the dining-room at this minute. pg 135 After the death of Miss Brent he then believed it was Dr Armstrong. Armstrong- eh? So hes our pigeon! pg 161 Philip Lombard also thought that the culprit was Dr Armstrong. Expected you to pass out through fright! Some people would have, wouldnt they, doctor? pg 150 Vera Claythorne, along with Blore and Lombard, also thought it was Dr Armstrong. Its Armstrong.Hes a lunatic, escaped from some doctors house- pretending to be a doctor. pg 145 Dr Edward Armstrong, on the other hand, thought that the killer was Blore. He said dubiously: Hm tastes alright. pg 150 Justice Wargrave was the only one who reall y didnt make any real assumptions on who may have pulled off this amazing murder mystery. He was very quiet and to himself about his thoughts. .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a , .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .postImageUrl , .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a , .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:hover , .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:visited , .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:active { border:0!important; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:active , .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4d5fd99ac09babe271f7e14ec211050a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Stylistic Analysis Of A Cup Of Tea EssayThe final reaction was to make alliances between the remaining guests, so it would be easier to trap the victimizer. Each of the remaining guest all paired up with at least one person. Justice Wargrave and Armstrong paired together and came up with a plan to catch the killer. It didnt work like a charm. Armstrong was keen on the idea. pg 201 Blore and Lombard also became closer together as time passed on. It would be difficult for either of you to get the key from the other. pg 141 Well get him, Blore This time, well get him! pg 161 Vera became allies with Lombard after the death of Wargrave and Armstrong. One has got to trust someo ne pg 173 So after the long and gruelling days on the island no one has found out who the murderer is but they had a lot of different reactions to all the different murders that went along with all the other festivities. There was how they protected themselves, and how they reacted towards each other. Then there were all the accusations and finally the alliances that were made. If you ask me I think that the murderer was Mr Justice Wargrave.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Agm Case Analysis Essays

Agm Case Analysis Essays Agm Case Analysis Essay Agm Case Analysis Essay A593 Case Discussions Agm. com (A) 1. What were the factors that caused actual quarterly income to be less than budgeted ? What was the quantitative effect of each of these factors ? 1) Sales Variance: 40,800 negative effect ? 2) Marketing Administrative costs : $ 45,000 negative effect 3) Labor Cost : $13,316 *For details please refer to exhibit 1 2. For which of these factors, if any, should Marelie be held responsible ? Strike is force majule, but Marelie does not prepare backup server in case of trouble. Can be Maries responsibility Sales forecast: OVAL market analysis was not enough. ROUND and SQUARE sales are almost within the budget in spite of shutdown, while OVAL is not. Both Board and Marelie should be held responsible. Labor cost increase: Uncontrolable, basically there was a limit to what Marelie could have done to handle this issue. Maybe she could have done a better job to predict changes in the labor market, but still there was a limit to what she could have done. Marketing and Administrative cost: Too much add on. The amount added is not only because shutdown damage but because start up stage needs a lot of ads to penetrate the market. The campaign giving free shipment to customers who bought more than $100 also increased logistics cost. Board (Marketing) and Marelie. 3. Should the target for the bonus be changed to reflect these factors ? explain. The target for bonus should be adjusted to take into account factors that Marelie had no or limited control over. Factors such as changes in wage or, sales decrease due to server shut down, were basically uncontrollable factors. There are limits to what Marelie could have done to prevent these issues, and hence such effects should be considered to adjust a new target budget.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Confucius And Confucianism Essays - Confucianism, Chinese Philosophy

Confucius And Confucianism Essays - Confucianism, Chinese Philosophy Confucius and Confucianism LIFE OF CONFUCIUS Confucius was believed to have been born in 551 BC., in the state of Lu, known today as the Shandong province. His parents, who died while he was a child, named him Kong Qui. Confucius was derived from the Latin word Kongfuzi which means Great Master Kong. Confucius was the most influential and respected philosopher in Chinese history. His ideas were the single strongest influence on Chinese society from around 100 BC. to the AD. 1900's. The Chinese government made his ideas the official state philosophy and many nearby countries honored his beliefs. Confucius wanted to gain the position as an adviser to a wise ruler, but he failed. He hoped to do this in order to be able to employ his ideas for reforming society. If it wasn't for the disciples of Confucius his teachings would have never been spread around China, and he would have never been made known. His teachings were never written down by him, but his conversations and sayings were written down by his disciples in the analects. CONFUCIANISM Confucianism was the single most important thing in Chinese life. It affected everything in China; education, government, and attitudes toward behavior in public and private life. Confucianism is not a religion, but it is more a philosophy and a guide to morality and good government. At the time Confucius was born, China was in a conezt state of war, and rapid political change altered the structure of Chinese society so much that people no longer respected the established behavioral guidelines. Confucius stated that the ideal person was one of good moral character. The ideal person was also truly reverent in worship and sincerely respected his father and his ruler. He was expected to think for himself, guided by definite rules of conduct. As Confucius said, he was expected to take "as much trouble to discover what was right as lesser men take to discover what will pay". Confucius believed that this type of behavior by rulers had a greater effect on the people than did laws or codes of punishment. So when these types of people were rulers, their moral example would inspire the people to lead good lives. Confucius died sometime around 479 B.C., and his philosophy was not very well known. If it weren't for his disciples his ideas would probably still be unknown. Confucius never wrote anything down himself; his disciples wrote all of his sayings down in a collection of books called the Analects. These contain all that modern day man knows about Confucius. There existed two important Confucian philosophers-Mencius (390-305 BC) and Xunzi (mid 200's B.C.). They held beliefs similar to Confucius but they were somewhat different. Mencius's viewpoint was that people were born good, and that they had to "preserve the natural compassion of the heart". Xunzi opposed this by saying that people could be good and live peacefully only if their minds were shaped by education and conduct. Both of these ideas parallel Confucius', in that they both state that people can be good. Confucianism was concerned primarily with the needs of society, and unlike Buddhism and Taoism, not the ability for a person to live in harmony with nature. Beginning in the 200's B.C. Buddhism and Taoism began to affect and reshape the ezdards of Confucianism, and things such as nature came into play. Around A.D. 200 to 600, there was a rapid decline in the Confucian Beliefs in China. This was partly because Confucianism now had to compete with Buddhism and Taoism, which were developed around this time. These religions were to Confucianism as night is to day, in other words, they were exact opposites. Buddhism and Taoism were largely concerned with the meaning of suffering and death, while Confucianism largely ignored these. The revival of Confucianism began around the 600's and was fully revived by the 700's. In the 1100's, there was a movement lead by Zhu-Xi called the Neo-Confucianism movement. He developed a branch of this movement known as the rational-wing, it dealt with the study of Li, the relationship between humans and nature. Another branch was called the intuitional-wing and it dealt mostly with enlightenment by a combination of meditation and moral action.In the 1900's there was a

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Fact sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Fact sheet - Essay Example The leaves are also dark green in color which is shiny on the paler underneath and at the top with its petiole section being red and long in size. In the fall, the leaves with smooth margins will usually turn yellow. Habitat: Bigleaf maple grows in moist soils and areas that are shingle and rough in nature. There is a high likelihood of the trees surviving in areas which are next to the lake, river and stream edges compared to other wet regions such as the seepage areas. [1]. The species mostly occurs in mixed group of trees with black, red alder, Douglas –fir, cottonwood, western hemlock and Western red Cedar. Mice, grosbeaks and squirrels usually eat on the seeds of this species while the elk and deer often feed on its twigs. Use: The tree can be used in making of hooks for clothes, dishes and pipes. [1]. They are also used in making of paddles; occasionally, the inner back can be used in making ropes, baskets and whisks which are used for whipping soopolallie berries [1]. Notes: In fact, the Maple flowers are one kind of food that can be eaten with salad together. It is quite sweet. For the bark of the Bigleaf maple trees, it is rich in calcium and moisture because the trees are usually in wet rainforest plant community. It should be noted that the flower of Bigleaf maple just like other Maple is one of the delicious meals that can be eaten together with salad. The bark of the tree on the other hand is rich in moisture and calcium given that they are found within the community of

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sustainable Urbanism in Lowry Range Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

Sustainable Urbanism in Lowry Range - Essay Example Contemporary planning and development approaches suggest that privately-owned public spaces will be the Twenty-First Century reality for public spaces (Wallace 2005). As a leader in efforts to provide attractive and inclusive public spaces, New Urbanism also continues a development trend of reliance on the private sector’s provision and management of public activity and public space assets. Conflict exists between Constitutionally-protected rights of access, assembly, speech and expression and private property rights to exclude persons and activity. In the status quo, there are regulatory voids of excessive, ambiguous, and inadequate regulations that were attributable to direct private sector control and indirect public sector control. Analysis of the broader public forum regulatory structure for these spaces discovered that public use of certain spaces and certain commercial areas are especially vulnerable to these regulatory voids. Furthermore, it is important to note that e xpress public use rights in the form of public access/use entitlements play a unique role in supporting the public forum status of privately-owned public space (Endress 2005).Such administrative capacity is impeded by a limited understanding of the role of interstitial public spaces, by limited municipal resources for small park spaces, by strong commercial interests with small model development expectations, and by an entrenched property title bias toward bona fide public space assets.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay Example for Free

Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay Stumbling through the wet grass the two came frantically running, looking behind them at every few strides, breathing hard, disturbing the green grass and disrupting the harmony of the birds sitting in trees chirping and whistling the final songs of the day, while dogs barked and people shouted far behind them. A voice could be heard shouting above the crowd Theyre headed for the fields, comon! George grumbled, breathing frantically Damnit! comon you crazy bastard, they near got us! Im trying George, I swear but Is tired Lennie wheezed. The two were passing fields, when they came to an irrigation ditch, George thought about it and he pulled lennie into the ditch with him. Get your head down! George shouted but lennie didnt do a thing, George annoyed, shoved him under the murky water, they could hear the shouts getting closer and the dogs growling. A man said Where the hell did they get to? another close to him said The dogs ave lost the scent they musta went thru that ditch and off into the woods, no way we could get them now Damn ok everyone back to the town for a head count then we can all go home, its getting late With these words saw George give a sigh of relief as he gently surfaced bringing lennie with him, George taking his hat began to wring out the water, lennie copying his movements did the same, George set his crease and made his way quietly up the bank of the ditch, peering over the edge he watched torch light and man slowly disappear toward weed under the setting sun, he turned back to lennie, Now why the hell did you touch that gals dress? Comon you better have a good excuse or Ill clobber ya! Lennie was whimpering like a fearful puppy Honest George I dint mean no wrong, I jus wanted to feel her dress George yelled why? Lennie? Hmm? What so good about that dress? lennie cowered in his jacket his shoulders covering his cheeks It was so purty George, it was red colored and soft as a rabbit, you know how I likes rabbits George Seeing the glow in his face when he said it made George calm down, he remember who lennie was, he settled down do a smile Ya big lummox, one day your gonna get us some real trouble, but youre my responsibility so we gotta stick close lennie returned a half hearted grin still slightly frigtenened Ok George George got up to look around once more, he spotted an old barn not far from the ditch they were in. Right comon now we get us some shut-eye then try and get us some work, some place Lennies face lit up remembering what this all lead up to An I get to tend the rabbits George! Huh? Huh? Yeah, yeah but we gotta get us a stake first George replied George and lennie had settled down in the old barn, its walls were white with paint peeling, the roof was held up by 3 beams across the top and toward the ground, the winds outside made the barn creak eerily and lennie was having trouble sleeping, the ground was scattered with straw and the only thing in the barn was some sacks, tools and a work bench, it was less a barn than a shed. George? George you asleep What? George cant you do somethin about the wind? No, now go to sleep, have to wake up early tomorra' George said still half asleep Sorry George lennie said, eventually the morning came. lennie! Lennie! Wake up! Comon we gonna miss the damn bus! ok George, ok lennie said as he packed his bindle and sorted himself, and hurried off with George They had gotten to the stop just in time, they paid their fare, and were on their way to get some work at.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Coaxial Cable :: Networks Telecommunications

Introduction Coaxial cable: is an electrical cable consisting of a round conducting wire, surrounded by an insulating spacer, surrounded by a cylindrical conducting sheath, usually surrounded by a final insulating layer. It is used as a high-frequency transmission line to carry a high-frequency or broadband signal. Sometimes DC power (called bias) is added to the signal to supply the equipment at the other end, as in direct broadcast satellite receivers. Because the electromagnetic field carrying the signal exists (ideally) only in the space between the inner and outer conductors, it cannot interfere with or suffer interference from external electromagnetic fields. Coaxial cables may be rigid or flexible. Rigid types have a solid sheath, while flexible types have a braided sheath, both usually of thin copper wire. The inner insulator, also called the dielectric, has a significant effect on the cable's properties, such as its characteristic impedance and its attenuation. The dielectric may be solid or perforated with air spaces. Connections to the ends of coaxial cables are usually made with RF connectors. Radio-grade flexible coaxial cable. A: outer plastic sheath B: copper screen C: inner dielectric insulator D: copper core There are two types of coaxial cables: 1. Thinnet 2. Thicknet Thinnet Also known as "Thin Ethernet" or Thinnet, 10BASE-2 is an IEEE standard for baseband Ethernet at 10MBps over thick coaxial cable. 10Base2 has a maximum distance of 185 meters. Thin Ethernet is five millimeters in diameter and used to connect machines up to 1,000 feet apart. Thinnet (thin Ethernet) is an incarnation of the Ethernet standard in which coaxial cables are used in a LAN (local-area network) configuration to connect computers together. A Thinnet setup is capable of transmitting data at a rate of 10Mbps (megabits per second). It is also cheaper and easier to install than Thicknet. The first variation on the original variety of Ethernet was simply to use a thinner coaxial cable and relax the constraints on how and where transceivers can connect. 10BASE-2 does this with coaxial cable that looks just like the cable used for receiving cable television or hooking up a television set to an antenna. The only difference in the cable itself is the impedance rating. A television cable is rated at 75 ohms and a 10BASE-2 cable is rated at 50 ohms. In a pinch, a small length of one can be substituted for the other. The connectors used in 10BASE-2 are called BNC connectors for Berkeley Nucleonics Co.: they were originally used in nuclear physics.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Audience in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ Essay

Williams creates dramatic tension in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ through the interactions between the important characters in the play, such as the conflict between Blanche and Stanley, and their contrasting styles of communication. The first instance of this occurs in the second scene. Blanche is bathing, whilst Stanley questions Stella about the loss of Belle Reve, referring to the so-called â€Å"Napoleonic code†. As an audience, we sense the tension being created when he says â€Å"And I don’t like to be swindled.† We see Stanley’s aggressive nature and his increasing anger towards Blanche through his actions and words, â€Å"Open your eyes to this stuff!† When Stella cries, â€Å"Don’t be such an idiot, Stanley†, he becomes even more enraged, â€Å"[he hurls the furs to the daybed]† and â€Å"[he kicks the trunk]†. Tension is created here and, as an audience, we sense the drama that is about to come. The atmosphere is tense, and as Blanche comes out of the bathroom antithetically â€Å"[airily]†, the contrast between Stanley and Blanche becomes apparent and the unease is developed further. Although Williams successfully achieves dramatic tension in the play, he does not use Acts, but divides the play into eleven scenes, perhaps because he was unable to sustain dramatic tension for the length of a conventional Act. However, as with all of the scenes in the play, this scene leads to a natural, dramatic climax. Blanche talks casually with Stanley, who’s increasing fury is illustrated in the stage direction, â€Å"[with a smouldering look]†. Finally, the tension is released by Stanley, â€Å"[booming] Now let’s cut the re-bop!† This dramatic cry and instantaneous discharge of tension shocks the audience, but Blanche appears unmoved, speaking â€Å"[lightly]†, â€Å"My but you have an impressive judicial air† and acting â€Å"[playfully]† towards Stanley. Her contrasting manner further infuriates him, again resulting in a build up of tension. However, as Stanley appreciates the tragic loss of Belle Reve,†[becoming somew hat sheepish]†, he allows the conversation and the audience’s attention to be diverted away from himself, and instead to Stella’s pregnancy, diffusing the tension. William’s persistent use of detailed stage directions in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ implies that the visual settings of the play are very important. Williams uses this attention to detail to create an atmosphere that  heightens the impact of the drama, and emphasises the tension created within each scene. This is demonstrated in the third scene, where a Van Gogh painting is evoked in the stage directions, which relates to William’s description of the men as â€Å"[as course and direct and powerful as the primary colours]†, enhancing the atmosphere of rife masculinity that contrasts with Blanche’s feminine presence and pale pastels thus accentuating the subsequent dramatic tension that is created. The same applies to the settings surrounding Blanche; for example, in Scene Nine the â€Å"[blind Mexican woman]† is a portent of death, the memory of which terrorizes Blanche, and in Scene Ten imagined â€Å"[lurid reflections]† and â€Å"[grotesque and menacing]† shadows that Blanche sees reflect her madness and fear, enhancing the tension of the scene. Coupled with William’s use of visual effects, sound effects are used to create dramatic tension. The Varsouviana, polka music, plays regularly throughout the play. It is heard only by Blanche and is used to illustrate Blanche’s feelings of guilt towards Allan’s suicide, and plays whenever she is particularly disturbed, creating tension. Her response is to drink heavily, in an attempt to overcome the sound. The music continues to grow louder and so the tension is amplified. Only when she is drunk enough, does the music subside with the final shot, and a dramatic climax is reached. For all the drama created by the music, Blanche seems to have accepted this part of her torture, as demonstrated when she states in a matter-of-fact manner â€Å"there now, the shot! It always stops after that!† as though the reliability of the music’s regularity is a comfort to her. In Scenes Four, Six and Ten, Williams introduces a roaring locomotive at dramatic moments: Blanche’s criticism of Stanley, her account of Allan’s death and before Stanley rapes her. The result of which is developing tension, to be released in the climax of the scene. The locomotive also has connotations of fate, in that, like the streetcar, it can only travel on one line, and in one direction, to one destination. Also, the locomotive’s headlight illustrates Blanche’s fear of exposure; she crouches and shuts her ears whenever it approaches, in an attempt to shield herself from the harsh reality, also creating tension.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Women and the Bible - 904 Words

Women and The Bible The Bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of womans emancipation. A famous 19th century feminist named Elizabeth Cady Stanton voiced this about her struggle for womens freedom. Women, considered a lower class than the men, wanted this subjugation changed. Part of the reason for the subjugation of women is that the Bible could be interpreted in many different ways to suit the needs of the interpreter. These interpretations of the Bible are in part responsible for the belief that women are of a lower class than men. The reason this belief is present in our society is that approximately 85% of Americans are Judeo-Christian. We see examples of these beliefs when we look at the†¦show more content†¦Meant for a different time, the basic belief that women are the cause of mens downfall is obsolete. Some people say that this belief is not present in our society. I have heard men say that the reason that they are in the mess they are in is because of womens folly. Many popular Hollywood movies today reflect these misogynistic attitudes and use themes that portray women as evil and deceiving. In these films, women want nothing else but to destroy men and the order of society. One popular movie called Eve of Destruction, portrays a woman named Eve as a mechanical tool of destruction that destroys anything that gets in her path. The name Eve in this film indicates a link to the Eve of the Bible, connotating treachery and deception and seen as a bane to mans existence. Not all the Bible portrays women as submissive and evil. Many still believe that women must obey their husbands and live a life of subservience. If people look to this interpretation of the Bible for guidance, women will remain treated as inferior. I am not saying that we need to get rid of the Bible, I am saying that we need to get rid of interpretations of the Bible that are derogatory towards women; like the belief that women are notShow MoreRelatedBacchae and The Bible: Women in Literature835 Words   |  3 PagesBacchae and Bible Women in literature have often been the target of aggression and oppression, illustrating the lack of importance of women and the suppression of the gender by their male oppressors. In myth, and in religious practices as well, women have been used as examples of beings bent upon distraction and destruction of the proper and God-abiding male gender. 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The bible never states that Adam and Eve are to be different or non equal, just that she would be his support. When Eve talks to the serpent, and fails, Adam could have been there listening to everything, and even though the Bible states that Eve led to Adam failing as well, all the blame is given to Eve. Why? According to the Bible, Adam was created to be the leader. Why did he not stop her or why didn’t the blame fall upon both of them equally. The punishments that women now have to bearRead MoreSupport For Women s Leadership1712 Words   |  7 PagesIn order to show support for women in leadership, I will examine several different online resources. Within these sources, I will meticulously pull out key contexts in order to help better articulate the idea of women in leadership roles. As apart of my paper, I will include in my first section of the paper the misinterpr etation of 1 Corinthians 14:34. In order to do so, I will be examining the text itself first, then going on to various online resources to gain a better idea of why Paul wrote this